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Our Team

Ryan Teller

Khanh Nguyen Dinh

Jonny Cash

Ngo Thi Men

Finance Manager
Mia Donovan

Le Thien Phong

Web Developer
Great website performance, Improve value from users,
performance leads to success! Developer Teams in Indian

Our Services

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Revenue Sharing

Full Revenue Sharing System, easy administration, customizable revenue return speed, process + full statistics. True power of GPT+PTC+TE+REVSHARE connection.

All Offer Walls

Titan is the first script to introduce global support for all Offer Walls, Automatic postback, Credit as Points/Money/Convert, Advanced logging & Reversal System.

ALL CPA/GPT Networks

The most advanced CPA/GPT system: Instant crediting and approval, Submissions control, reversal handlers, Fraud protection. Add offers manually or automatically.

Anti-Cheat System

Runs live all the time. Analiyzes member IPs, browser & PC info, referral connections, Anti-Proxy API, etc. 100% automatic.

GPT Video

Connect with DailyMotion and earn when your member watch videos. Different Points rates per different countries, Restrictions, Anti-Cheat System..

Traffic Exchange

Change your Titan to Traffic Exchange script and offer massive traffic: Anonymous/Direct traffic types. Subpages support. Autosurf link available, Stats & graphs.

Points locking

Lock Points from CPA/GPT offers and Offerwalls that exceed some limit to protect against fraud submissions.

Gift Card System

Add any product with custom title, image & description. Codes can be preapproved & sent automatically via email. Geotargeting, different prices per different countries.

Famobi games

Add Famobi.com games with one click. Earn on game ads & attract your members to stay on your website more time.

GPT Search

Earn by your member searches. Sign a contract with Yahoo with our help. Different Points rates per different countries, Restrictions, Anti-Cheat System.

SMS verification

Select your Phone Verification policy: Full, Per Each Payout, Per Each Login, Per Each Registration. ProxStop API supported.

SolveMedia & reCaptcha

Earn on security captchas. Titan supports SolveMedia, Google Captcha (reCAPTCHA) and Titan Captcha.

Multi-language support

ALL languages supported. English, Polish, German, Spanish, Russian & Indonesian are preinstalled. Easily translate images & texts.

Automatic offer import

Automatically download & synchornize offers from CPALead, AdGateMedia and Performa-based networks.

Earn with Facebook

Advertise fanpages & sell likes. All made automatic, instant crediting. Available filters: age, friends, etc. "Earn with one click" + API integration supported.

100% OOP

Titan is written in 100% with Object-Oriented Programming paradigm. It guarantees good scalability, security and development.

PTC mastered

Paid-To-Click made perfect: Geo-Targeting, Custom packages for days/clicks, Inside & outside advertising, Advanced settings & stats.

Ads queue

Queue ads you watch. Available for Traffic Exchange and AdPacks ads. See title, time and basic details of each ad in the queue.

Revenue Groups

Setup Automatic (more AdPacks you have, better acceleration) or Custom (invite your friends and earn more) Groups to attract more members.

Pool System

Divide your income into various poools and have 100% control over the money you spend. Make your Revenue Sharing System stable and secure forever.

Profit acceleration

Accelerate your revenue return profit, depending of active AdPacks number or your current group. Full control over the acceleration process.

Many payment processors

Full IPN and API Integration: PayPal, Perfect Money, SolidTrustPay & Payeer. Instant order crediting, live balances, 1-click payout 100% automatic.


The most powerful ASP.NET forum integrated 100% into Titan. Connected with Titan login system, User statistics, achievements and all information.


Want to get more referrals on your other sites? 1-click participate, List of members in system, Easy to manage RefBack system.

MLM upto 10 levels

Indirect Referrals system: 1-10 referral levels supported, All earning ways included in the system (PTC, CPA/GPT, Offerwalls, TE, PTSU, etc.)

Advanced Bot system

Titan provides custom & innovative solution for Bot System: Totally invisible (bots bound to humans), Easy to configure (Titan BQI), doesn't require CRON setup.

Achievement System

Let your users earn more than just a money: Custom achievements/Trophies, Adjust icons & rewards, Multiple gaining possibilites.

Multiple Currencies

Become localized brand: ALL currencies supported, Switch in 1-click in Admin Panel, Orders, statistics, payouts, etc.

BitCoins (BTC)

Cryptocurrencies supported. BitCoin Balance, spend and trasfer BTC in the system. BlockChain & Block.io API automatic support.

Turn features ON/OFF

Customize Titan to fit your needs easily. Enable/disable all Titan features with one-click.

AdPack Ads

Create your own AdPack Ads. Start Pages, Full statistics, administration, unique product name(s), colors, groups, revenue system included.

Login Ads

Force members to view ads after each login. Additional pure profit for the administrator, statistics, geolocation, administration.

Live Chat

Tawk Live Chat software fully integrated into the script. Just register on Tawk and take advantage of Live Chat on your website.

Our Partners

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Our Client Testimonials

Contact Us

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If you have a project you would like to discuss, get in touch with us.

Cao Vien
Thanh Oai, Ha Noi, 100000
P: 0343 078-719

© Copyright 2020 GPTShang